- Michelin GuideCathedral of the AssumptionMoskva
- Michelin GuidePushkin Museum of Fine Arts - Museum of Private CollectionsMoskva
- Michelin GuideKremlin FortificationsMoskva
- Michelin GuideMonastery of the Transfiguration of Our SaviourJaroslavl'
- Michelin GuideHoly Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra: Trinity CathedralSergijev Posad
- Michelin GuideGUMMoskva
- Michelin GuideRostov KremlinRostov
- Michelin GuideKolomenskoye estate: Church of the AscensionMoskva
- Michelin GuideMuseum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life in SuzdalSuzdal'
- Michelin GuideChurch of St. Nicholas of the WeaversMoskva
- Michelin GuideOstozhenka StreetMoscou
- Michelin GuideCathedral of Basil the Blessed / of the Intercessionof the VirginMoskva
- Michelin GuideRed SquareMoskva
- Michelin GuideChurch of the Deposition of the RobeMoskva
- Michelin GuideNovodevichy Monastery: Cathedral of Our Lady of SmolenskMoskva
- Michelin GuideSaviour Monastery of St. EuthymiusSouzdal
- Michelin GuideWorker and Kolkhoz WomanMoscou
- Michelin GuideThe KremlinMoskva
- Michelin GuideMelnikov HouseMoskva
- Michelin GuideM. Gorki Apartment-MuseumMoskva
- Michelin GuideCathedral SquareMoskva
- Michelin GuideNovodevichy MonasteryMoskva
- Michelin GuideBolshoi TheatreMoskva
- Michelin GuideDormition CathedralVladimir
- Michelin GuideHoly Trinity-St. Sergius LavraSergijev Posad
- Michelin GuidePushkin Museum of Fine Arts ComplexMoskva
- Michelin GuideZamoskvorechyeMoskva
- Michelin GuideSt. Ipatiev MonasteryKostroma
- Michelin GuideVarvarka StreetMoskva
- Michelin GuideKuskovo Estate-MuseumMoskva
- Michelin GuideChurch of St. Dmitri on the BloodUglic
- Michelin GuideKremlin ArmouryMoskva
- Michelin GuideDiamond FundMoskva
- Michelin GuideNovodevichy Monastery Walls and TowersMoskva
- Michelin GuideGallery of 19C and 20C European and American ArtMoscou
- Michelin GuidePalace of FacetsMoskva
- Michelin GuideHoly Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra: SacristySergijev Posad
- Michelin GuideCathedral of the AnnunciationMoskva
- Michelin GuideChurch of Our Lady of KazanMoskva
- Michelin GuideMuseums of Fine Arts PushkinMoskva
- Michelin GuidePrechistenka StreetMoskva
- Michelin GuideKitay-GorodMoskva
- Michelin GuideTretyakov Gallery in Krymsky ValMoskva
- Michelin GuideChurch of Elijah the ProphetJaroslavl'
- Michelin GuideHoly Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra - Dormition CathedralSergijev Posad
- Michelin GuideState Tretyakov GalleryMoskva
- Michelin GuideChurch of St. John the PrecursorJaroslavl'
- Michelin GuideLenin's MausoleumMoskva
- Michelin GuideSt Demetrius CathedralVladimir
- Michelin GuideChurch of the Intercession on the Nerl RiverBogolyubovo
- End of results -