Veszprém Historic town
Location picture
Michelin Guide
City and village
The Michelin Guide's review
The entrance to the old town is through the Hosök Kapuja (Heroes' Gate). This leads into Vár utca, the only street of the district. It is home to edifices of varying eras: the School of the Order (1740), the Piarist Church (1936) and Bishop's Palace (18C). At N°35 are Gizella Királyné Múzeum and Szent István church, both of which are rich in Christian works of art. Also worthy of mention is Gisèle chapel, thought to be 13C and Szent Mihály Cathedral, whose Gothic crypt is quite splendid. The street ends at the ramparts, which command a fine view.
Vár utca
8200 Veszprém
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